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Homemade soy yoghurts and their hats

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

Hi everybody!

Today, I will present an easy recipe to make your own soy yoghurt, and an easy way to cover the containers. I always find that soy yoghurts are a bit expensive, and I decided to make them. I would lie if I said that they are/were always nice to see and pleasant to eat, but life is full of experiences, and we always learn about our mistakes!

Necessary time to make the yoghurts: about 1/4h + 8-10h of incubation

Necessary time to make the little hats : about 1/2h for 8-10 hats.

Age for children to make the yoghurts: from 3-4 years

Age for children to make the hats: from 7 years (the little difficulty is cutting the cloth)

So easy to make and you can flavour them with a lot of ingredients, I can't eat store-bought vegetal yoghurts anymore! Thanks for that recipe! - Susan White.


  • cheap,

  • homemade,

  • simple and healthy products,

  • quick,

  • you can flavour them with a lot of flavours, fresh or dry fruits, spices…


  • The yoghurts can be too liquid, have a curdled aspect, or a tofu scent, but they will never be unhealthy, and you can always eat them.

  • The little hats are not watertight, so your yoghurts have to be eaten quickly (nice news, there are so good!)


  • for the yoghurts: only 2 basis products: 1 store-bought yoghurt or homemade previously and 1 litre of vegetal drink (today soy, but you can use too coconut milk, rice milk…),

  • for the little hats: clean cotton clothes, as old tea towels, old shirts, or new material.


  • Yoghurts:

  1. heat 1 litre of soy drink (or other plant drink) till 40°C (your finger dipped in can fell the heath but not burns 😉).

  2. Pour a store-bought yoghurt or a homemade previously yoghurt in a bowl, add the soy drink and mix well.

  3. Then pour the mixture into glass or earthenware containers (normally, it will give you 8 jars).

  4. Arrange the jars in a pan just big enough to contain them all and wrap the pan in a blanket, a thick cloth, a large woollen sweater (or in the oven pre-heated to 120°C and turned off), for at least 8-10 hours.

  5. Then, cover the yoghurt jars with your little hats and put the in the fridge.

  6. Enjoy your homemade delices!

  • Little hats:

  1. in the cloth you have chosen (which has to be clean), prepare the same numbers of hats that you have jars.

  2. Draw the jar’s round and schedule another circle line to cut on at least 3 cm more.

  3. Then cut up with notched scissors following this 2nd line, or in square a little larger. Notched scissors are better than normal scissors: it’s nicer and better to avoid threads to fray).

  4. Then put the circles or the squares upon the pots, and fix them with a thin rubber band, a ribbon, a jute thread…

Remarks and advices:

  • To obtain thicker yoghurts, you can add agar-agar (then the vegetal drink has to be heat with till 90°C, and you’ll have to wait a while until the drink comes back to 40°C), tapioca flour, carrageenan…

  • The first picture at the beginning of the post is about little hats named “charlottes” in French, it needs some more advanced skills in sewing, but the simple hats I proposed are efficient too. Nevertheless, you can double the material if you want more water and smell-tight.

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Hello Anne, thank you for your recipe ! I eat only non-dairy yoghurts and I once tried to make some soy yoghurts, but they always look like milk in the end... I will surely try your recipe !


Apr 04, 2022
Replying to

Hi Laurane,

Thanks for your comments.

Maybe you could try with vegetal drink at room temperature, or add some agar-agar (in that case, you'll have to put to boiling a glass of vegetal drink with the agar-agar, stop when it begins to boil, and add to the rest of the vegetal drink and to the 1st yoghurt.


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